The Age of Feudalism is a role playing ..
You are under heavy attack, your mission is ..
Search for the legendary Holy Hand Grenade, explorer ..
Protect the world from the atrocious wizard, who ..
Play as one of the Great Powers of ..
Conquer the territory of the enemy by placing a one fighter in different places on the map at once. earn money by killing the enemy's Soliders, afterwards add more fighters to the battle and upgrade your troops.
There are three Race: Human Amance, Night Elves, Orc of The North, and Wood Elves. each race has its own advantage and disadvantage.
Spacebar - Release a fighter
W or Up Key - Move up.
S or Down - Move Down.
A and D or Left and Right Key - Select a different figher.
Q - Release a line of 8 Fighters.
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